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ROTARY CLUB OF ROTORUA CHANGEOVER - Monday 24th June, 2019 Martin Kinder Paul Harris Fellow / Sapphire
District 9930 Each Rotary Club is part of a Rotary District. The Rotary Club of Rotorua is in District 9930 that covers that portion of the North Island of New Zealand south of a straight line from Waikorea on the west coast to Miranda on the Firth of Thames coast in the east, and north of a line from the mouth of the Mokau River to Cape Turnagain through Mount Ruapehu. The main cities and town in this region are Hamilton, Tauranga, Rotorua, Whakatane, Napier and Taupo. For more information about District 9930, click: www.rotary9930.org Who Can Join? Membership of the Rotary Club of Rotorua is open to service-minded men and women of good character holding positions of responsibility in their business and profession. If you require more information or are interested in joining our Club, contact the Club Secretary by clicking: Secretary The Rotary Foundation Contribution Form One form now satisfies all Rotary Foundation (TRF) contributions from donors. Rotary International recognizes the donors as a Rotary Foundation Contributor. Please open the Contribution Form by clicking the PDF attachment below and right clicking to print a hard copy. Please give this form, along with the automatic payment form or cheque to your Club Treasurer or post to: Ken Smith, District 9930 Foundation Administrator, PO Box 140 Huntly 3740. If paying by direct credit, you also can scan and email the form to: Foundation
Rotary Club of Rotorua Constitution
Rotary Club of Rotorua Bylaws